Lynwood, Illinois

Lynwood: Village in United States of America


Lynwood is a village located in the county of Cook in the U.S. state of Illinois. Its population at the 2010 census was 9,007 and a population density of 1,798 people per km². After 10 years in 2020 city had an estimated population of 9,113 inhabitants.

The village was created 66 years ago in 1958.

Lynwood locator map
Location of Lynwood on Illinois map.

Quick Facts about Lynwood

Population : 9,113 (2020)
Country : United States of America
State : Illinois (United States)
County : Cook County
Postal code : 60411
Phone Area Codes : 708
Area : 5.01 km2
Establishment : January 01, 1959 (66 years ago)
Time Zone : America/Chicago
Local time : 3/28/2025 - 4:35:23 PM
Density : 1,819 Pop. per km² as of 2020
Population growth : 1.16% (2010-2020)
Cook County Illinois Incorporated and Unincorporated areas Lynwood Highlighted locator map image
Cook County Illinois Incorporated and Unincorporated areas Lynwood Highlighted
Cook County Illinois Incorporated and Unincorporated areas Lynwood Highlighted locator map image


Lynwood is located at 41°31'35"N 87°32'19"W (41.5264200, -87.5386500).

Lynwood map


The population of Lynwood increased by 1.16% in 10 years.

Year Population % Change Method
2010 9,007 - census
2011 9,279 2.93% estimation process
2012 9,339 0.64% estimation process
2013 9,379 0.43% estimation process
2014 9,397 0.19% estimation process
2015 9,376 -0.22% estimation process
2016 9,335 -0.44% estimation process
2017 9,273 -0.67% estimation process
2018 9,213 -0.65% estimation process
2019 9,194 -0.21% estimation process
2020 9,113 -0.89% estimation process

Demographic Facts

Estimated population as of July 1, 2019 : 13,011
Based on demographic estimates as of April 1, 2010 : 14,420
Based on demographic estimates as of 1 April 2010 : -9.8%
April 1, 2020 Population : 12,939
April 1, 2010 Population : 14,414
People under 5 years old, percentage : 5.3%
People under 18 years old, percentage : 18.5%
People over 65 (%) : 11.9%
Female persons, % : 29.5%
White only, percent : 78.8%
Black or African American alone, percent : 10.1%
American Indian and Alaska Native only, % : 0.8%
Asians alone % : 2.4%
Only Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders, % : 0.2%
% of people who have participated in two or more races : 5.1%
% of Hispanic or Latino : 34.9%
White people, not Hispanic or Latino people, make up the majority of the population. : 48.6%
2015-2019 Veterans : 1,144
Percentage of foreign-born people, 2015-2019 : 12.3%
Rate of owner-occupied housing units, 2015-2019 : 59.9%

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Economic Facts

Rate of owner-occupied housing units, 2015-2019 : 59.9%
Owner-occupied housing unit median value, 2015-2019 : $211,200
From 2015 to 2019, the median selected monthly owner costs - with a mortgage : $1,393
Monthly owner costs, without a mortgage, at the median, 2015-2019 : $397
2015-2019 median gross rent : $1,015
2015-2019 Households : 3,197
Population per household, 2015-2019 : 2.62
Living in the same house a year ago, percentage of people aged one year and up, 2015-2019 : 73.6%
Languages other than English spoken at home, as a percentage of people aged 5 and up, 2015-2019 : 26.2%
Households with computers, %, 2015-2019 : 82.4%
Percentage of households with a broadband Internet subscription, 2015-2019 : 69.6%
Percentage of people aged 25 and up with a high school diploma or higher, 2015-2019 : 77.2%
Bachelor's degree or higher, proportion of people aged 25 and up, 2015-2019 : 12.8%
Percentage of people under the age of 65 who have a disability, 2015-2019 : 8.0%
Persons under the age of 65 who do not have health insurance, as a percentage : 4.2%
Total civilian labor force, percent of population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : 33.7%
Female labor force participation in the civilian labor force, as a percentage of the population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : 42.1%
Total sales of lodging and food services in 2012 ($1,000) : 28,399
2012 total retail sales ($1,000) : 224,208
2012 total retail sales per capita : $16,266
Mean commute time to work (in minutes), workers aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : 24.6
2015-2019 median household income (in 2019 dollars) : $54,083
Income per capita in the previous 12 months (in 2019 dollars), 2015-2019 : $20,100
Percentage of people living in poverty : 14.6%
Total number of businesses in 2012 : 654
Men-owned businesses in 2012 : 259
Women-owned businesses in 2012 : 243
Minority-owned businesses in 2012 : 104
Non-minority-owned businesses in 2012 : 511
Veteran-owned businesses in 2012 : 72
Nonveteran-owned businesses in 2012 : 524
2010 population per square mile : 1,459.8
2010 land area in square miles : 9.87
Rate of owner-occupied housing units, 2015-2019 : 55.4%
Owner-occupied housing unit median value, 2015-2019 : $227,500
From 2015 to 2019, the median selected monthly owner costs - with a mortgage : $1,332
Monthly owner costs, without a mortgage, at the median, 2015-2019 : $372
2015-2019 median gross rent : $1,228
2015-2019 Households : 2,713
Population per household, 2015-2019 : 2.24
Living in the same house a year ago, percentage of people aged one year and up, 2015-2019 : 83.7%
Languages other than English spoken at home, as a percentage of people aged 5 and up, 2015-2019 : 19.7%
Households with computers, %, 2015-2019 : 86.7%
Percentage of households with a broadband Internet subscription, 2015-2019 : 79.8%
Percentage of people aged 25 and up with a high school diploma or higher, 2015-2019 : 88.6%
Bachelor's degree or higher, proportion of people aged 25 and up, 2015-2019 : 22.0%
Percentage of people under the age of 65 who have a disability, 2015-2019 : 9.3%
Persons under the age of 65 who do not have health insurance, as a percentage : 7.1%
Total civilian labor force, percent of population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : 65.1%
Female labor force participation in the civilian labor force, as a percentage of the population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : 60.0%
Total sales of lodging and food services in 2012 ($1,000) : 24,306
Total receipts/revenue for health care and social assistance in 2012 ($1,000) : 5,080
Manufacturers' total shipments in 2012 ($1,000) : 69,707
2012 total retail sales ($1,000) : 277,366
2012 total retail sales per capita : $47,576
Mean commute time to work (in minutes), workers aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : 27.2
2015-2019 median household income (in 2019 dollars) : $44,335
Income per capita in the previous 12 months (in 2019 dollars), 2015-2019 : $26,847
Percentage of people living in poverty : 19.2%
Total number of businesses in 2012 : 759
Men-owned businesses in 2012 : 467
Women-owned businesses in 2012 : 204
Minority-owned businesses in 2012 : 201
Non-minority-owned businesses in 2012 : 517
Veteran-owned businesses in 2012 : 81
Nonveteran-owned businesses in 2012 : 637
2010 population per square mile : 2,555.0
2010 land area in square miles : 2.22

People born in Lynwood (2)

People born in Lynwood, including football running back Pierre Thomas, baseball player Ed Howard, .


Schools in Lynwood

College & universities near Lynwood, IL

Code Name City ZIP
150303 Tricoci University of Beauty Culture-Highland Highland (IN) 46322

Stations (22)

Amtrak & bus stations near Lynwood, IL

Code Name Address Type
DYE Dyer station 913 Sheffield Avenue RAIL
HMW Homewood 18015 Park Ave. RAIL
HMI Hammond–Whiting station 1135 South Calumet Ave. RAIL
GRY Gary, IN 100 West 4th Avenue BUS
SMT Summit Archer Ave. and South Center Ave. RAIL

Post offices near Lynwood

Post Office Name City ZIP
Lansing Post Office Lansing (IL) 60438

Other places with the same name (2)

  • Lynwood , California The most populous city in Los Angeles County, California. It is located in the southwestern part of the county. Lynwood is known for its many parks and green spaces, its many historical sites, and its many attractions, such as the Lynwood Historical Museum and the Lynwood Park and Recreation Center. with a population of 68,508 people.

Other cities in Cook County

Cities, towns, neighborhoods & other populated places in Cook County , IL. (more)

City Name Population Title
Cicero 79,727 Town in Illinois
Arlington Heights 75,101 Village in Cook County, Illinois, United States; suburb of Chicago, Illinois
Evanston 72,683 A city in Cook County, Illinois.
Schaumburg 72,049 Large village located in Cook County in Illinois, USA
Palatine 66,830 Village in Cook County, Illinois, United States
Skokie 62,404 Village in Cook County, Illinois, United States
Des Plaines 58,179 The most populous city in Cook County, Illinois.
Orland Park 57,347 Village in Illinois
Tinley Park 55,221 Village located in Cook County, Illinois, United States
Oak Lawn 54,376 Village in Illinois, United States of America
Berwyn 53,701 A city in Cook County, Illinois.
Mount Prospect 53,299 Village in Elk Grove and Wheeling Townships in Cook County, Illinois, United States
Oak Park 51,852 Village in Cook County, Illinois, United States; suburb of Chicago, Illinois
Hoffman Estates 50,495 A city in Cook County, Illinois.
Glenview 47,446 Village in Cook County, Illinois, United States
Buffalo Grove 41,496 Village in Illinois, United States of America

Distance to Other Cities

Lynwood distances to largest Illinois cities