Schaumburg, Illinois
Schaumburg: Large village located in Cook County in Illinois, USA
Schaumburg is a village located in the county of Cook in the U.S. state of Illinois. Its population at the 2010 census was 74,227 and a population density of 1,477 people per km². After 10 years in 2020 city had an estimated population of 72,049 inhabitants.
The village was created 69 years ago in 1956.

Quick Facts about Schaumburg
Population : | 72,049 (2020) |
Country : | United States of America |
State : | Illinois (United States) |
County : | Cook County |
Area : | 50.24 km2 |
Altitude : | 794 feet / 242 meters |
Establishment : | March 03, 1956 (69 years ago) |
Time Zone : | America/Chicago |
Local time : | 3/28/2025 - 9:46:36 AM |
Postal code : | 60173 |
Density : | 1,434 Pop. per km² as of 2020 |
Population growth : | -3.02% (2010-2020) |

Schaumburg is located at 42°2'0"N 88°5'0"W (42.0333600, -88.0834100).
Schaumburg map
- Official Website
Official website of Schaumburg
According to census records, the population of Schaumburg decreased by 3.02% in 10 years.
Year | Population | % Change | Method |
2010 | 74,227 | - | census |
2011 | 74,548 | 0.43% | estimation process |
2012 | 74,770 | 0.3% | estimation process |
2013 | 74,905 | 0.18% | estimation process |
2014 | 74,897 | -0.01% | estimation process |
2015 | 74,643 | -0.34% | estimation process |
2016 | 74,582 | -0.08% | estimation process |
2017 | 74,026 | -0.75% | estimation process |
2018 | 73,378 | -0.88% | estimation process |
2019 | 72,817 | -0.77% | estimation process |
2020 | 72,049 | -1.07% | estimation process |
Demographic Facts
Estimated population as of July 1, 2019 : | 130,365 |
Based on demographic estimates as of April 1, 2010 : | 116,453 |
Based on demographic estimates as of 1 April 2010 : | 11.9% |
April 1, 2020 Population : | 127,647 |
April 1, 2010 Population : | 116,468 |
People under 5 years old, percentage : | 6.8% |
People under 18 years old, percentage : | 19.8% |
People over 65 (%) : | 11.4% |
Female persons, % : | 48.0% |
White only, percent : | 39.9% |
Black or African American alone, percent : | 3.0% |
American Indian and Alaska Native only, % : | 0.3% |
Asians alone % : | 43.2% |
Only Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders, % : | 0.9% |
% of people who have participated in two or more races : | 5.2% |
% of Hispanic or Latino : | 17.3% |
White people, not Hispanic or Latino people, make up the majority of the population. : | 31.5% |
2015-2019 Veterans : | 3,075 |
Percentage of foreign-born people, 2015-2019 : | 43.8% |
Rate of owner-occupied housing units, 2015-2019 : | 42.9% |
Economic Facts
Rate of owner-occupied housing units, 2015-2019 : | 42.9% |
Owner-occupied housing unit median value, 2015-2019 : | $1,034,000 |
From 2015 to 2019, the median selected monthly owner costs - with a mortgage : | $3,300 |
Monthly owner costs, without a mortgage, at the median, 2015-2019 : | $592 |
2015-2019 median gross rent : | $2,396 |
2015-2019 Households : | 44,669 |
Population per household, 2015-2019 : | 2.74 |
Living in the same house a year ago, percentage of people aged one year and up, 2015-2019 : | 79.0% |
Languages other than English spoken at home, as a percentage of people aged 5 and up, 2015-2019 : | 54.0% |
Households with computers, %, 2015-2019 : | 96.3% |
Percentage of households with a broadband Internet subscription, 2015-2019 : | 92.7% |
Percentage of people aged 25 and up with a high school diploma or higher, 2015-2019 : | 92.8% |
Bachelor's degree or higher, proportion of people aged 25 and up, 2015-2019 : | 59.9% |
Percentage of people under the age of 65 who have a disability, 2015-2019 : | 4.0% |
Persons under the age of 65 who do not have health insurance, as a percentage : | 3.4% |
Total civilian labor force, percent of population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : | 69.2% |
Female labor force participation in the civilian labor force, as a percentage of the population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : | 61.2% |
Total sales of lodging and food services in 2012 ($1,000) : | 581,115 |
Total receipts/revenue for health care and social assistance in 2012 ($1,000) : | 1,928,466 |
Manufacturers' total shipments in 2012 ($1,000) : | 4,524,828 |
2012 total retail sales ($1,000) : | 2,126,474 |
2012 total retail sales per capita : | $17,823 |
Mean commute time to work (in minutes), workers aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : | 24.7 |
2015-2019 median household income (in 2019 dollars) : | $126,006 |
Income per capita in the previous 12 months (in 2019 dollars), 2015-2019 : | $53,986 |
Percentage of people living in poverty : | 6.7% |
Total number of businesses in 2012 : | 10,985 |
Men-owned businesses in 2012 : | 5,790 |
Women-owned businesses in 2012 : | 3,478 |
Minority-owned businesses in 2012 : | 5,366 |
Non-minority-owned businesses in 2012 : | 4,739 |
Veteran-owned businesses in 2012 : | 552 |
Nonveteran-owned businesses in 2012 : | 9,545 |
2010 population per square mile : | 6,327.3 |
2010 land area in square miles : | 18.41 |
Residential units, July 1, 2019 : | 1,601 |
Rate of owner-occupied housing units, 2015-2019 : | 72.5% |
Owner-occupied housing unit median value, 2015-2019 : | $79,400 |
From 2015 to 2019, the median selected monthly owner costs - with a mortgage : | $976 |
Monthly owner costs, without a mortgage, at the median, 2015-2019 : | $325 |
2015-2019 median gross rent : | $914 |
Permits for construction, 2020 : | 12 |
2015-2019 Households : | 1,301 |
Population per household, 2015-2019 : | 3.69 |
Living in the same house a year ago, percentage of people aged one year and up, 2015-2019 : | 88.0% |
Languages other than English spoken at home, as a percentage of people aged 5 and up, 2015-2019 : | 11.1% |
Households with computers, %, 2015-2019 : | 83.3% |
Percentage of households with a broadband Internet subscription, 2015-2019 : | 76.7% |
Percentage of people aged 25 and up with a high school diploma or higher, 2015-2019 : | 86.1% |
Bachelor's degree or higher, proportion of people aged 25 and up, 2015-2019 : | 9.0% |
Percentage of people under the age of 65 who have a disability, 2015-2019 : | 18.0% |
Persons under the age of 65 who do not have health insurance, as a percentage : | 12.5% |
Total civilian labor force, percent of population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : | 44.0% |
Female labor force participation in the civilian labor force, as a percentage of the population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : | 50.1% |
Total sales of lodging and food services in 2012 ($1,000) : | 759 |
2012 total retail sales ($1,000) : | 16,987 |
2012 total retail sales per capita : | $3,166 |
Mean commute time to work (in minutes), workers aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : | 21.4 |
2015-2019 median household income (in 2019 dollars) : | $42,135 |
Income per capita in the previous 12 months (in 2019 dollars), 2015-2019 : | $15,517 |
Percentage of people living in poverty : | 40.0% |
Total number of employer establishments, 2019 : | 39 |
2019 total employment : | 495 |
2019 total annual payroll ($1,000) : | 21,397 |
Total employment, change in percentage terms, 2018-2019 : | -5.0% |
2018 total non-employer establishments : | 188 |
Total number of businesses in 2012 : | 247 |
Men-owned businesses in 2012 : | 128 |
Women-owned businesses in 2012 : | 94 |
Minority-owned businesses in 2012 : | F |
Non-minority-owned businesses in 2012 : | 211 |
Veteran-owned businesses in 2012 : | F |
Nonveteran-owned businesses in 2012 : | 231 |
2010 population per square mile : | 7.4 |
2010 land area in square miles : | 787.42 |
Rate of owner-occupied housing units, 2015-2019 : | 67.1% |
Owner-occupied housing unit median value, 2015-2019 : | $153,700 |
From 2015 to 2019, the median selected monthly owner costs - with a mortgage : | $1,605 |
Monthly owner costs, without a mortgage, at the median, 2015-2019 : | $770 |
2015-2019 median gross rent : | $949 |
2015-2019 Households : | 14,471 |
Population per household, 2015-2019 : | 2.33 |
Living in the same house a year ago, percentage of people aged one year and up, 2015-2019 : | 87.6% |
Languages other than English spoken at home, as a percentage of people aged 5 and up, 2015-2019 : | 14.6% |
Households with computers, %, 2015-2019 : | 88.8% |
Percentage of households with a broadband Internet subscription, 2015-2019 : | 84.1% |
Percentage of people aged 25 and up with a high school diploma or higher, 2015-2019 : | 88.7% |
Bachelor's degree or higher, proportion of people aged 25 and up, 2015-2019 : | 22.7% |
Percentage of people under the age of 65 who have a disability, 2015-2019 : | 10.1% |
Persons under the age of 65 who do not have health insurance, as a percentage : | 5.9% |
Total civilian labor force, percent of population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : | 64.6% |
Female labor force participation in the civilian labor force, as a percentage of the population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : | 60.0% |
Total sales of lodging and food services in 2012 ($1,000) : | 55,079 |
Total receipts/revenue for health care and social assistance in 2012 ($1,000) : | 359,045 |
Manufacturers' total shipments in 2012 ($1,000) : | 422,182 |
2012 total retail sales ($1,000) : | 931,370 |
2012 total retail sales per capita : | $26,010 |
Mean commute time to work (in minutes), workers aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : | 26.6 |
2015-2019 median household income (in 2019 dollars) : | $63,172 |
Income per capita in the previous 12 months (in 2019 dollars), 2015-2019 : | $32,881 |
Percentage of people living in poverty : | 10.3% |
Total number of businesses in 2012 : | 2,631 |
Men-owned businesses in 2012 : | 1,500 |
Women-owned businesses in 2012 : | 831 |
Minority-owned businesses in 2012 : | 332 |
Non-minority-owned businesses in 2012 : | 2,121 |
Veteran-owned businesses in 2012 : | 198 |
Nonveteran-owned businesses in 2012 : | 2,237 |
2010 population per square mile : | 915.2 |
2010 land area in square miles : | 39.75 |
Best Things to Do in Schaumburg
1 LEGOLAND Discovery Center Chicago
601 N Martingale Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60173, United States ➦ Show Map
☎ +18475929700 🔗 Url
2 Bison's Bluff Nature Playground
1111 E Schaumburg Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60194, United States ➦ Show Map
☎ +18479852100 🔗 Url
3 Spring Valley Nature Center & Heritage Farm
1111 E Schaumburg Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60194, United States ➦ Show Map
☎ +18479852100 🔗 Url
4 The Water Works Indoor Water Park
505 N Springinsguth Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60194, United States ➦ Show Map
☎ +18474902505 🔗 Url
5 The Sculpture Park
101 Schaumburg Ct, Schaumburg, IL 60193, United States ➦ Show Map
☎ +18478953600 🔗 Url
Where ot Eat in Schaumburg
1 Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament
2001 N Roselle Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60195, United States ➦ Show Map
☎ +18889356878 🔗 Url
2 Topgolf
2050 Progress Pkwy, Schaumburg, IL 60196, United States ➦ Show Map
☎ +18476562122 🔗 Url
3 GameWorks Chicago – Schaumburg
601 N Martingale Rd #115, Schaumburg, IL 60173, United States ➦ Show Map
☎ 🔗 Url
Where to Stay in Schaumburg
1 Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel
1551 Thoreau Dr N, Schaumburg, IL 60173, United States ➦ Show Map
☎ +18473034100 🔗 Url
2 Hyatt Regency Schaumburg, Chicago
1800 E Golf Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60173, United States ➦ Show Map
☎ +18476051234 🔗 Url
3 Hyatt House Chicago/Schaumburg
1251 American Ln, Schaumburg, IL 60173, United States ➦ Show Map
☎ +18477069007 🔗 Url
4 Quality Inn Schaumburg - Chicago
600 N Martingale Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60173, United States ➦ Show Map
☎ +18475177737 🔗 Url
5 Hyatt Place Chicago/Schaumburg
1851 McConnor Pkwy, Schaumburg, IL 60173, United States ➦ Show Map
☎ +18473301060 🔗 Url
People born in Schaumburg (9)
People born in Schaumburg, including actor and model Jessica Lu, football player Paul Justin, film producer Susan Downey, .
- Michael Roark (American actor and attorney) he was born in 09/05/1983
- Kurt Kittner (American football player) he was born in 23/01/1980
- Mark Simpson (American soccer player-coach) he was born in 18/03/1966
- Steven Purugganan (American sport stacker) he was born in 08/05/1997
- Zach Cohen (American ice hockey player) he was born in 06/02/1987
- Chris Mueller (American soccer player) he was born in 29/08/1996
Schools in Schaumburg
College & universities near Schaumburg, IL
Code | Name | City | ZIP |
145406 | G Skin & Beauty Institute | Schaumburg (IL) | 60195 |
149842 | William Rainey Harper College | Palatine (IL) | 60067-7398 |
488086 | Northwest Suburban College | Rollng Meadows (IL) | 60008-4504 |
143543 | Empire Beauty School-Hanover Park | Hanover Park (IL) | 60133-5421 |
373216 | Pivot Point Academy | Bloomingdale (IL) | 60108-0000 |
Stations (23)
Amtrak & bus stations near Schaumburg, IL
Code | Name | Address | Type |
GLN | Glenview station | 1116 Depot St. | RAIL |
NPV | Naperville | 105 E. Fourth Ave. | RAIL |
LAG | La Grange Road | 25 West Burlington St. | RAIL |
SMT | Summit | Archer Ave. and South Center Ave. | RAIL |
CHI | Chicago Union Station | 225 South Canal Street | RAIL |
Post offices near Schaumburg
Post Office Name | City | ZIP |
Schaumburg Post Office | Schaumburg (IL) | 60194 |
Hoffman Esta Post Office | Hoffman Estates (IL) | 60169 |
Woodfield Finance Station Post Office | Schaumburg (IL) | 60173 |
Woodfield Finance Station Post Office | Schaumburg (IL) | 60173 |
Rosell Post Office | Roselle (IL) | 60172 |
Other cities in Cook County
Cities, towns, neighborhoods & other populated places in Cook County , IL. (more)
City Name | Population | Title |
Cicero | 79,727 | Town in Illinois |
Arlington Heights | 75,101 | Village in Cook County, Illinois, United States; suburb of Chicago, Illinois |
Evanston | 72,683 | A city in Cook County, Illinois. |
Palatine | 66,830 | Village in Cook County, Illinois, United States |
Skokie | 62,404 | Village in Cook County, Illinois, United States |
Des Plaines | 58,179 | The most populous city in Cook County, Illinois. |
Orland Park | 57,347 | Village in Illinois |
Tinley Park | 55,221 | Village located in Cook County, Illinois, United States |
Oak Lawn | 54,376 | Village in Illinois, United States of America |
Berwyn | 53,701 | A city in Cook County, Illinois. |
Mount Prospect | 53,299 | Village in Elk Grove and Wheeling Townships in Cook County, Illinois, United States |
Oak Park | 51,852 | Village in Cook County, Illinois, United States; suburb of Chicago, Illinois |
Hoffman Estates | 50,495 | A city in Cook County, Illinois. |
Glenview | 47,446 | Village in Cook County, Illinois, United States |
Buffalo Grove | 41,496 | Village in Illinois, United States of America |
Bartlett | 40,312 | Village in United States of America |
Distance to Other Cities
Schaumburg distances to largest Illinois cities