Wa, Upper West
Wa: State of Australia
Quick Facts about Wa
Population : | 2,656,156 |
Country : | Australia |
State : | Upper West (Ghana) |
County : | Wa |
Head of government : | Premier of Western Australia |
Phone Area Codes : | 08 |
Area : | 2527013 km2 |
Legislative body : | Parliament of Western Australia |
Named for : | west, Australia |
Altitude : | 1,759 feet / 536 meters |
Capital : | Perth |
Establishment : | January 01, 1829 (196 years ago) |
Time Zone : | UTC+08:00 |
Local time : | 3/19/2025 - 12:07:00 AM |
Wa is located at 10°3'38"N 2°30'7"W (10.0606900, -2.5019200). It has 2 neighbors: State of South Australia and Northern Territory.
Wa map
- Official Website
Official website of Wa
Wa has 2 neighbours.
- State of South Australia state of Australia
- Northern Territory federal territory of Australia
- Shire of Tammin
- Shire of Nungarin
- Shire of Peppermint Grove
- Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku
- Shire of Mount Marshall
- Shire of Kellerberrin
- Shire of Broome
- Shire of Koorda
- Shire of East Pilbara
- Shire of Westonia
- Shire of Cunderdin
- Shire of Augusta-Margaret River
- City of Kalamunda
- Shire of Leonora
- Shire of Jerramungup
- Town of Narrogin
- Shire of Collie
- Shire of Mundaring
- Shire of Irwin
- Shire of Quairading
- City of Belmont
- Shire of Williams
- City of Bayswater
- City of Bunbury
- City of Fremantle
- Shire of Shark Bay
- City of Swan
- Shire of Merredin
- Shire of Derby-West Kimberley
- Shire of Bruce Rock
- Shire of Three Springs
- City of Karratha
- Shire of Nannup
- Shire of Kojonup
- Town of Bassendean
- Town of Cottesloe
- Shire of Capel
- Shire of Victoria Plains
- Shire of Wickepin
- Shire of Northam
- Shire of Lake Grace
- Town of Claremont
- Shire of Corrigin
- Town of Mosman Park
- Shire of Waroona
- Shire of Toodyay
- City of Wanneroo
- Shire of Moora
- Shire of Plantagenet
- Shire of Cuballing
- Shire of Laverton
- Shire of Upper Gascoyne
- Shire of Manjimup
- Shire of Cue
- City of Albany
- Shire of Brookton
- Shire of Harvey
- Shire of Narembeen
- City of Canning
- City of Armadale
- Shire of Mount Magnet
- Shire of Dalwallinu
- Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale
- Shire of Wongan-Ballidu
- Shire of Kent
- Shire of Gingin
- Shire of Mukinbudin
- Shire of Ravensthorpe
- Shire of Carnarvon
- Shire of Denmark
- Town of East Fremantle
- Shire of Boyup Brook
- Shire of Dundas
- Shire of Boddington
- Shire of Yalgoo
- City of Rockingham
- Town of Cambridge
- Shire of Meekatharra
- City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder
- Shire of Chittering
- Shire of Yilgarn
- Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes
- City of Mandurah
- Town of Port Hedland
- Shire of West Arthur
- Shire of Northampton
- Shire of Wagin
- Shire of Carnamah
- Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley
- Town of Victoria Park
- Shire of Wyalkatchem
- City of Nedlands
- Shire of Dowerin
- City of Geraldton-Greenough
- City of Busselton
- City of Gosnells
- Shire of Trayning
- City of Perth
- Shire of Gnowangerup
- Shire of Murray
- Shire of Ashburton
- Shire of Goomalling
- Shire of Halls Creek
- Shire of Mingenew
- Shire of Kulin
- Shire of Kondinin
- Shire of Woodanilling
- Shire of Narrogin
- City of Stirling
- Shire of Dardanup
- Shire of York
- Shire of Beverley
- City of Subiaco
- Shire of Chapman Valley
- City of Cockburn
- City of South Perth
- Shire of Morawa
- Shire of Sandstone
- Shire of Exmouth
- Shire of Coorow
- Shire of Murchison
- Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup
- Shire of Coolgardie
- Shire of Katanning
- Shire of Wiluna
- Shire of Menzies
- Shire of Perenjori
- Shire of Pingelly
- Shire of Esperance
- City of Joondalup
- Shire of Dandaragan
- Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup
- Shire of Cranbrook
- City of Melville
- Shire of Wandering
- Shire of Dumbleyung
- City of Greater Geraldton
- City of Vincent
- Shire of Mullewa
- City of Kwinana
Year | Population | % Change | Method |
2014 | 2,565,600 | - | census |
2016 | 2,474,410 | -3.69% | census |
2020 | 2,656,156 | 6.84% | population estimation |
Va, WZA, Wa, wa, Ва, وا، گھانا, วา, 와