South Lanarkshire, Scotland

South Lanarkshire: Local government area of Scotland


Quick Facts about South Lanarkshire

Population : 320,530
Country : United Kingdom
State : Scotland (United Kingdom)
Area : 1771.89 km2
Legislative body : South Lanarkshire Council
Capital : Hamilton
Establishment : January 01, 1996
Time Zone : UTC±00:00
Local time : 3/17/2025 - 8:46:50 AM


South Lanarkshire is located at 55°34'60"N 3°49'60"W (55.5833300, -3.8333300). It has 7 neighbors: West Lothian, Glasgow, Dumfries and Galloway, The Scottish Borders, East Ayrshire, East Renfrewshire and North Lanarkshire.

South Lanarkshire map

South Lanarkshire has 7 neighbours.


Year Population % Change Method
2001 302,340 - estimation process
2002 302,770 0.14% estimation process
2003 303,480 0.23% estimation process
2004 305,660 0.71% estimation process
2005 306,850 0.39% estimation process
2006 308,450 0.52% estimation process
2007 310,370 0.62% estimation process
2008 311,310 0.3% estimation process
2009 312,180 0.28% estimation process
2010 313,180 0.32% estimation process
2011 313,900 0.23% estimation process
2012 314,330 0.14% estimation process
2013 314,810 0.15% estimation process
2014 315,300 0.16% estimation process
2015 316,230 0.29% estimation process
2016 317,100 0.27% estimation process
2017 314,000 -0.99% estimation process
2018 319,020 1.57% estimation process
2019 320,530 0.47% estimation process

Comhairle Shiorrachd Lannraig a Deas, De Swydd Lanark, Etelae-Lanarkshire, Etelä-Lanarkshire, Hegoaldeko Lanarkshire, Jizni Lanarkshire, Jižní Lanarkshire, Juzhen Lanarkshur, Juzhnyj Lanarkshir, Juzni Lanarkshire, Južni Lanarkshire, Lanarkshire Meridionale, Lannraig Yiass, Pietu Lanarksyras, Pietų Lanarkšyras, Pivdennij Lanarkshir, SLK, Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas, Sooth Lanrikshire, South Lanarkshire, Sudur-Lanarkshire, Suður-Lanarkshire, lanarkshr jnwby, nan la na ke jun, sauseulaeneokeusyeo ju, Південний Ланаркшир, Южен Ланаркшър, Южный Ланаркшир, ساؤتھ لنارکشائر, لانارکشر جنوبی, サウス・ラナークシャー, 南拉纳克郡, 사우스래너크셔 주