Regione Piemonte (Piemonte), Piedmont

Regione Piemonte: Region in North-West Italy


Quick Facts about Piemonte

Country : Italy
State : Piedmont (Italy)
Head of government : president of Piedmont
Area : 25387 km2
Legislative body : Regional Council of Piedmont
Altitude : 1,381 feet / 421 meters
Capital : Turin
Establishment : January 01, 1970 (55 years ago)
Time Zone : UTC+01:00, UTC+02:00
Local time : 3/16/2025 - 6:56:13 PM


Piemonte is located at 45°0'0"N 8°0'0"E (45.0000000, 8.0000000). It has 9 neighbors: Canton du Valais, Cantone Ticino, Departement des Hautes Alpes, Region Auvergne, Departement des Alpes Maritimes, Departement des Alpes de Haute Provence, Liguria, Valle d Aosta and Lombardia.

Regione Piemonte map

The largest city of Piemonte is Turin with a population of 870,952. Other cities include, Cuneo population 56,281 and Novi Ligure population 28,210. See all Piemonte cities & populated places.

  • Sergio Chiamparino , 2014-05-26T00:00:00Z
  • Roberto Cota , 2014 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z
  • Alberto Cirio , 2019-05-27T00:00:00Z

Piemonte has 9 neighbours.

  • Metropolitan City of Turin
  • Province of Turin
  • Province of Cuneo
  • Province of Alessandria
  • Province of Novara
  • Province of Biella
  • Province of Asti
  • Province of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
  • Province of Vercelli

Fjallaland, P'emont, Pedemons, Pedemonte, Pedemontio, Pedemontium, Pemont, Phi-ai-mung-thit, Phì-âi-mùng-thi̍t, Piamonte, Piedmont, Piemont, Piemonte, Piemonti, Piemonto, Piemunte, Piemunti, Pijemont, Piodmant, Piyemonte, Piémont, Piëmont, Pjemonta, Pjemontas, Pyemont, Píodmant, Region de Piamonte, Regione Piemonte, Región de Piamonte, byymwnty, pi ai meng te, pi ye meng, pi'emonte, piemonte ju, piemonte zhou, piyatmantu, pyimamta, pymwnt, pyymwnth, Πεδεμόντιο, Пемонт, Пиемонт, Пијемонт, Пьемонт, Пємонт, Պիեմոնտ, פיימונטה, بييمونتي, صوبہ پیغمونتے, پیعیمونتے, پیمونت, प्यिमाँत, ਪੀਏਮੋਂਤੇ, பியத்மாந்து, แคว้นปีเอมอนเต, პიემონტი, ខេត្តជើងភ្នំ, ピエモンテ州, 皮埃蒙特, 皮耶蒙, 피에몬테 주