Independent State of Papua New Guinea, island sovereign state in Oceania. As of 2020 country had an estimated population of 8,251,162 inhabitants. The country was created 50 years ago in 1975. Its capital city is Port Moresby.
There are 5 city/town in Independent State of Papua New Guinea, . The largest city of Independent State of Papua New Guinea is Lae with a population of 76,255. Other cities include, Popondetta population 28,198, Kokopo population 26,273, Wau population 14,629 and Kavieng population 14,490
Lae, City in Papua New Guinea
Popondetta, City
Kokopo, City
List of cities, towns, neighborhoods & other populated places in Independent State of Papua New Guinea.
City Name | Title | County | Population |
Lae | City in Papua New Guinea | 76,255 | |
Popondetta | City | Sohe | 28,198 |
Kokopo | City | 26,273 | |
Wau | City in northwestern South Sudan | Bulolo | 14,629 |
Kavieng | City | Kavieng | 14,490 |