Monticello, New York

Monticello: Village in Sullivan County, New York


Monticello is a village located in the county of Sullivan in the U.S. state of New York. Its population at the 2010 census was 6,726 and a population density of 651 people per km². After 10 years in 2020 city had an estimated population of 6,402 inhabitants.

Monticello locator map
Location of Monticello on New York map.

Quick Facts about Monticello

Population : 6,402 (2020)
Country : United States of America
State : New York (United States)
County : Sullivan County
Postal code : 12701
Area : 10.34 km2
Altitude : 1,512 feet / 461 meters
Capital city : Monticello is capital of Sullivan County
Time Zone : Eastern Time Zone
Local time : 3/26/2025 - 6:25:57 AM
Density : 619 Pop. per km² as of 2020
Population growth : -5.06% (2010-2020)
Monticello-raceway image
Monticello-raceway image


Monticello is located at 41°39'20"N 74°41'22"W (41.6556500, -74.6893300).

Monticello map


According to census records, the population of Monticello decreased by 5.06% in 10 years.

Year Population % Change Method
2010 6,726 - census
2011 6,768 0.62% estimation process
2012 6,711 -0.85% estimation process
2013 6,723 0.18% estimation process
2014 6,559 -2.5% estimation process
2015 6,468 -1.41% estimation process
2016 6,442 -0.4% estimation process
2017 6,417 -0.39% estimation process
2018 6,424 0.11% estimation process
2019 6,385 -0.61% estimation process
2020 6,402 0.27% estimation process

Demographic Facts

Estimated population as of July 1, 2019 : 13,073
Based on demographic estimates as of April 1, 2010 : 11,972
Based on demographic estimates as of 1 April 2010 : 9.2%
April 1, 2020 Population : 13,554
April 1, 2010 Population : 11,943
People under 5 years old, percentage : 6.8%
People under 18 years old, percentage : 25.9%
People over 65 (%) : 17.2%
Female persons, % : 52.6%
White only, percent : 97.2%
Black or African American alone, percent : 0.2%
American Indian and Alaska Native only, % : 0.5%
Asians alone % : 0.7%
Only Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders, % : 0.0%
% of people who have participated in two or more races : 1.4%
% of Hispanic or Latino : 6.3%
White people, not Hispanic or Latino people, make up the majority of the population. : 91.0%
2015-2019 Veterans : 894
Percentage of foreign-born people, 2015-2019 : 2.1%
Rate of owner-occupied housing units, 2015-2019 : 76.4%

Monticello zip code is 12701. County name: Sullivan, County fips: 36105

MSV, Montichelo, Montiselo, mwntysylw, Монтисело, Монтичело, מאנטיסעלא, مونتيسيلو

Economic Facts

Rate of owner-occupied housing units, 2015-2019 : 76.4%
Owner-occupied housing unit median value, 2015-2019 : $170,500
From 2015 to 2019, the median selected monthly owner costs - with a mortgage : $1,592
Monthly owner costs, without a mortgage, at the median, 2015-2019 : $500
2015-2019 median gross rent : $851
2015-2019 Households : 4,664
Population per household, 2015-2019 : 2.70
Living in the same house a year ago, percentage of people aged one year and up, 2015-2019 : 87.5%
Languages other than English spoken at home, as a percentage of people aged 5 and up, 2015-2019 : 5.2%
Households with computers, %, 2015-2019 : 92.8%
Percentage of households with a broadband Internet subscription, 2015-2019 : 88.6%
Percentage of people aged 25 and up with a high school diploma or higher, 2015-2019 : 91.5%
Bachelor's degree or higher, proportion of people aged 25 and up, 2015-2019 : 23.8%
Percentage of people under the age of 65 who have a disability, 2015-2019 : 10.6%
Persons under the age of 65 who do not have health insurance, as a percentage : 10.9%
Total civilian labor force, percent of population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : 62.4%
Female labor force participation in the civilian labor force, as a percentage of the population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : 56.3%
Total receipts/revenue for health care and social assistance in 2012 ($1,000) : 15,306
2012 total retail sales ($1,000) : 227,920
2012 total retail sales per capita : $18,897
Mean commute time to work (in minutes), workers aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : 25.4
2015-2019 median household income (in 2019 dollars) : $71,563
Income per capita in the previous 12 months (in 2019 dollars), 2015-2019 : $33,826
Percentage of people living in poverty : 8.6%
Total number of businesses in 2012 : 846
Men-owned businesses in 2012 : 318
Women-owned businesses in 2012 : 327
Minority-owned businesses in 2012 : 55
Non-minority-owned businesses in 2012 : 705
Veteran-owned businesses in 2012 : 32
Nonveteran-owned businesses in 2012 : 656
2010 population per square mile : 898.5
2010 land area in square miles : 13.29

People born in Monticello (18)

People born in Monticello, including African violinist, and music educator Aaron Dworkin, science fiction writer and publisher David Kyle, First director of the FBI Stanley Finch, .


  • Gary Auerbach (American television and film writer, director and producer) he was born in 01/01/1959
  • Hank Garrett (American actor) he was born in 26/10/1931
  • Randall Batinkoff (American actor) he was born in 16/10/1968
  • Russ Hodge (American decathlete) he was born in 12/09/1939
  • Catello Manzi (harness racer) he was born in 27/06/1950
  • Gene D. Block (American academic administrator and biologist) he was born in 17/08/1948
  • Judith S. Kaye (American judge) she was born in 04/08/1938
  • Leon Silver (Award winning academic, trained Apollo astronauts in lunar geology.) he was born in 09/04/1925
  • Peter Tufano (Professor of finance) he was born in 01/01/1957
  • Stephen M. Ryder (Screenwriter, producer) he was born in 01/01/1943
  • Sue Hastings (Known for popularizing the ancient art of puppetry in the 1930s and 1940s. She was a protege of Tony Sarg. She known for her large collection of marionettes, which she made with her team of assistants) she was born in 10/05/1884
  • Ivan Lafayette (American politician) he was born in 28/07/1930
  • Gary Schutt (American rock musician) he was born in 29/12/1967
  • Lewis Stanton Palen (U.S. writer and translator) he was born in 28/07/1878
  • Nora Belle Conklin (wife of Ralph Freudenberg) she was born in 12/12/1902

Schools in Monticello

College & universities near Monticello, NY

Code Name City ZIP
197744 Yeshivath Zichron Moshe South Fallsburg (NY) 12779
195988 Sullivan County Community College Loch Sheldrake (NY) 12759-5151
194240 Orange County Community College Middletown (NY) 10940
374927 Beauty School of Middletown Middletown (NY) 10940
417992 Orange Ulster BOCES-Practical Nursing Program Goshen (NY) 10924

Stations (13)

Amtrak & bus stations near Monticello, NY

Code Name Address Type
POU Poughkeepsie station 41 Main St. RAIL
RHI Rhinecliff–Kingston station Hutton and Charles Sts. RAIL
CRT Croton–Harmon station 1 Croton Point Avenue RAIL
SRN Scranton, PA 23 Lackawanna Avenue BUS
HUD Hudson 69 South Front St. RAIL

Post offices near Monticello

Post Office Name City ZIP
Monticell Post Office Monticello (NY) 12701
Kiamesha Lak Post Office Kiamesha Lake (NY) 12751
Thompsonvill Post Office Thompsonville (NY) 12784
Harr Post Office Harris (NY) 12742
Mongaup Valley Post Office Mongaup Valley (NY) 12762

Other places with the same name (14)

Other cities in Sullivan County

Cities, towns, neighborhoods & other populated places in Sullivan County , NY.

City Name Population Title
Fallsburg 12,350 Town in New York
Liberty 5,277 Town in New York, United States
Rockland 3,684 Town in Sullivan County, New York, United States
Neversink 3,430 Human settlement in Sullivan County, New York, United States of America
Callicoon 2,924 Town in Sullivan County, New York, United States
South Fallsburg 2,870 Census designated place
Tusten 1,478 Human settlement in Sullivan County, New York, United States of America
Cochecton 1,301 Town in New York
Livingston Manor 1,221 Hamlet in Sullivan County, New York
Wurtsboro 1,150 City in Sullivan County, New York, United States of America
Woodridge 773 Village in New York
Bloomingburg 409 Human settlement in New York, United States of America
Jeffersonville 336 Village in New York, United States

Distance to Other Cities

Monticello distances to largest New York cities