Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg

Heilbronn: German city in the state of Baden-Württemberg


Quick Facts about Heilbronn

Population : 125,960
Country : Holy Roman Empire, Germany, Kingdom of Württemberg, Electorate of Württemberg, Weimar Republic, German Empire, Germany
State : Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
County : Regierungsbezirk Stuttgart
Postal code : 74072–74081
Plate code : HN
Phone Area Codes : 7066, 7131
Official name : Heilbronn
Female population : 62433
Altitude : 525 feet / 160, 157 meters
Capital city : Heilbronn is capital of Heilbronn
Time Zone : UTC+02:00, UTC+01:00
Local time : 3/28/2025 - 3:13:51 PM


Heilbronn is located at 49°8'24"N 9°13'14"E (49.1399500, 9.2205400).

Heilbronn map

  • Hans Hoffmann , 1983 1967-01-01T00:00:00Z
  • Harry Mergel , 2014-05-05T00:00:00Z
  • Manfred Weinmann , 1999 1983-01-01T00:00:00Z
  • Helmut Himmelsbach , 5 May, 2014 1999-01-01T00:00:00Z

  • Béziers (1965 )
  • Frankfurt (Oder) (1988 )
  • Neath Port Talbot County Borough (2015 )
  • Solothurn (1981 )
  • Słubice (1998 )

  • Biberach
  • Klingenberg
  • Böckingen
  • Neckargartach
  • Sontheim
  • Horkheim
  • Frankenbach


Year Population % Change Method
1399 5,500 - 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z
1501 6,168 10.83% statistical updating
1618 6,000 -2.8% estimation process
1769 6,077 1.27% 1975-01-01T00:00:00Z
1803 5,692 -6.76% estimation process
1818 7,200 20.94% estimation process
1830 10,703 32.73% statistical updating
1840 11,311 5.38% 1975-01-01T00:00:00Z
1849 12,377 8.61% statistical updating
1852 13,687 9.57% 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z
1858 14,029 2.44% estimation process
1861 14,333 2.12% estimation process
1864 16,400 12.6% estimation process
1867 16,700 1.8% estimation process
1871 18,955 11.9% statistical updating
1875 21,200 10.59% statistical updating
1880 24,446 13.28% estimation process
1885 28,038 12.81% project management estimation
1890 29,941 6.36% 1975-01-01T00:00:00Z
1895 33,461 10.52% statistical updating
1900 37,891 11.69% estimation process
1905 40,004 5.28% estimation process
1910 42,688 6.29% statistical updating
1916 38,104 -12.03% statistical updating
1917 37,331 -2.07% 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z
1919 44,012 15.18% statistical updating
1925 45,520 3.31% estimation process
1933 60,308 24.52% 1975-01-01T00:00:00Z
1939 77,569 22.25% statistical updating
1945 47,474 -63.39% estimation process
1946 52,745 9.99% statistical updating
1950 64,643 18.41% 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z
1956 79,458 18.65% estimation process
1961 99,257 19.95% estimation process
1962 102,007 2.7% statistical updating
1963 103,933 1.85% estimation process
1964 105,313 1.31% 1975-01-01T00:00:00Z
1965 106,607 1.21% project management estimation
1966 107,882 1.18% statistical updating
1967 108,044 0.15% estimation process
1968 110,843 2.53% 1975-01-01T00:00:00Z
1969 113,251 2.13% 1975-01-01T00:00:00Z
1970 113,725 0.42% project management estimation
1971 114,733 0.88% statistical updating
1972 116,045 1.13% project management estimation
1973 116,931 0.76% statistical updating
1974 115,924 -0.87% statistical updating
1975 113,177 -2.43% 1975-01-01T00:00:00Z
1976 112,411 -0.68% statistical updating
1977 111,699 -0.64% statistical updating
1978 111,330 -0.33% statistical updating
1979 111,426 0.09% statistical updating
1980 111,938 0.46% statistical updating
1981 111,745 -0.17% statistical updating
1982 111,276 -0.42% statistical updating
1983 110,800 -0.43% statistical updating
1984 110,666 -0.12% statistical updating
1985 111,338 0.6% project management estimation
1986 111,713 0.34% estimation process
1987 110,970 -0.67% project management estimation
1988 112,279 1.17% estimation process
1989 113,955 1.47% project management estimation
1990 115,843 1.63% statistical updating
1991 117,427 1.35% statistical updating
1992 121,052 2.99% statistical updating
1993 122,396 1.1% statistical updating
1994 122,253 -0.12% statistical updating
1995 121,509 -0.61% project management estimation
1996 121,556 0.04% 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z
1997 120,987 -0.47% 1975-01-01T00:00:00Z
1998 120,012 -0.81% project management estimation
1999 119,526 -0.41% project management estimation
2000 119,305 -0.19% estimation process
2001 120,163 0.71% estimation process
2002 120,683 0.43% statistical updating
2003 120,705 0.02% 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z
2004 121,320 0.51% statistical updating
2005 121,613 0.24% 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z
2006 121,384 -0.19% statistical updating
2007 121,627 0.2% 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z
2008 122,098 0.39% project management estimation
2009 122,415 0.26% estimation process
2010 122,879 0.38% 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z
2011 116,716 -5.28% estimation process
2012 125,084 6.69% 1975-01-01T00:00:00Z
2013 118,122 -5.89% statistical updating
2014 119,841 1.43% estimation process
2015 122,567 2.22% estimation process
2016 123,771 0.97% project management estimation
2017 125,113 1.07% statistical updating
2019 125,960 0.67% statistical updating

Chailmpron, Gajl'bronn, Hailprunna, Hajlbrono, Heilbronas, Heilbronn, Heilbronn Neckar, Khajl'bronn, Khajlbron, hai er bu long, hailbeulon, hailbroni, hairuburon, haylbrwn, hyylbrwn, Χαϊλμπρόν, Гайльбронн, Хайлброн, Хайльбронн, Хајлброн, היילברון, هايلبرون, هایلبرون, ہیلبرون, ჰაილბრონი, ハイルブロン, 海尔布隆, 하일브론