Grosskarolinenfeld (Großkarolinenfeld), Bavaria

Grosskarolinenfeld: Municipality of Germany


Quick Facts about Großkarolinenfeld

Population : 7,344
Country : Germany
State : Bavaria (Germany)
County : Upper Bavaria
Head of government : Q57522019
Postal code : 83109
Plate code : RO
Phone Area Codes : 08031
Altitude : 1,532 feet / 467 meters
Time Zone : UTC+02:00, UTC+01:00
Local time : 3/28/2025 - 6:52:09 PM


Großkarolinenfeld is located at 47°53'28"N 12°4'52"E (47.8910200, 12.0810100). It has 2 neighbors: Kolbermoor and Bad Aibling.

Grosskarolinenfeld map

    Q58334080 ,

Großkarolinenfeld has 2 neighbours.


Year Population % Change Method
1875 730 - census
1925 951 23.24% census
1950 1,649 42.33% census
1970 3,515 53.09% census
1975 2,776 -26.62% census
1987 5,207 46.69% census
2011 6,982 25.42% statistical updating
2012 7,040 0.82% statistical updating
2013 7,123 1.17% statistical updating
2014 7,175 0.72% statistical updating
2015 7,306 1.79% statistical updating
2016 7,335 0.4% statistical updating
2017 7,326 -0.12% statistical updating
2019 7,344 0.25% statistical updating

Groskarolinenfel'd, Groskarolinenfeld, da ka luo li nen fei er de, grws karwlynnfld, Гроскаролиненфелд, Гроскаролиненфельд, Гроскароліненфельд, Գրոսկարոլինենֆելդ, گروس کارولیننفلد, 大卡罗利嫩费尔德