Cities & Towns in Gemeente Roermond, 05

Gemeente Roermond, .

There are 3 city/town in Gemeente Roermond, 05. The largest city of Gemeente Roermond is Roermond with a population of 57,308. Other cities include, Herten population 3,305 and Leeuwen population 1,075


Roermond, City in the Netherlands




Leeuwen, Village in Roermond, Netherlands

All Gemeente Roermond Cities (Aphebetical)

List of cities, towns, neighborhoods & other populated places in Gemeente Roermond.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z all
City Name Title Population
Herten 3,305
Leeuwen Village in Roermond, Netherlands 1,075
Roermond City in the Netherlands 57,308

County Cities on Map (3)

Limburg Counties (1)