Bavaria, federal state in the South of Germany. As of 2020 state had an estimated population of 12,930,751 inhabitants. The state was created 105 years ago in 1919. Its capital city is Munich.
Pettendorf, Municipality of Germany
Luhe-Wildenau, Municipality of Germany
List of cities, towns, neighborhoods & other populated places in Bavaria.
City Name | Title | County | Population |
Buch | Lower Bavaria | 3,405 | |
Pettendorf | Municipality of Germany | Upper Palatinate | 3,403 |
Luhe-Wildenau | Municipality of Germany | Upper Palatinate | 3,397 |
Grafenrheinfeld | Municipality of Germany | Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken | 3,396 |
Ludwigsstadt | Municipality of Germany | Upper Franconia | 3,396 |
Laberweinting | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 3,390 |
Randersacker | Municipality of Germany | Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken | 3,387 |
Offenberg | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 3,385 |
Aschau am Inn | German village | Upper Bavaria | 3,384 |
Rötz | Town in Bavaria, Germany | Upper Palatinate | 3,383 |
Kirchanschöring | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 3,365 |
Eschlkam | Municipality of Germany | Upper Palatinate | 3,364 |
Poppenricht | Municipality in Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach in Germany | Upper Palatinate | 3,363 |
Fürstenstein | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 3,363 |
Rohr | Lower Bavaria | 3,357 | |
Falkenstein | Upper Palatinate | 3,354 | |
Glattbach | Municipality of Germany | Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken | 3,345 |
Obermichelbach | Municipality of Germany | Regierungsbezirk Mittelfranken | 3,321 |
Jandelsbrunn | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 3,320 |
Ostheim vor der Rhön | Municipality of Germany | Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken | 3,319 |
Burgbernheim | Municipality of Germany | Regierungsbezirk Mittelfranken | 3,297 |
Gundelsheim | Upper Franconia | 3,292 | |
Altenstadt | Upper Bavaria | 3,282 | |
Maroldsweisach | Human settlement in Germany | Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken | 3,270 |
Hunderdorf | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 3,262 |
Ohlstadt | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 3,248 |
Marquartstein | Municipality in Bavaria, Germany | Upper Bavaria | 3,247 |
Mamming | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 3,238 |
Marzling | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 3,238 |
Furth | Lower Bavaria | 3,236 | |
Hohenlinden | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 3,228 |
Polling | Upper Bavaria | 3,228 | |
Merching | Place in Bavaria, Germany | Swabia | 3,218 |
Parkstetten | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 3,216 |
Straßlach-Dingharting | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 3,206 |
Pfatter | Municipality of Germany | Upper Palatinate | 3,204 |
Sand | Granular material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles, sand particles range in diameter from 0. | Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken | 3,181 |
Künzing | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 3,174 |
Dietersburg | Municipality in Bavaria, Germany | Lower Bavaria | 3,173 |
Ruderting | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 3,170 |
Bärnau | Municipality of Germany | Upper Palatinate | 3,153 |
Konradsreuth | Municipality of Germany | Upper Franconia | 3,151 |
Bischofsmais | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 3,144 |
Memmingerberg | Municipality of Germany | Swabia | 3,139 |
Babensham | Municipality in Bavaria, Germany | Upper Bavaria | 3,136 |
Gaißach | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 3,136 |
Eußenheim | Municipality of Germany | Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken | 3,110 |
Ried | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 3,108 |
Jetzendorf | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 3,106 |
Buckenhof | Municipality of Germany | Regierungsbezirk Mittelfranken | 3,105 |
Bayerisch Gmain | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 3,100 |
Frasdorf | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 3,099 |
Erkheim | Municipality of Germany | Swabia | 3,099 |
Königsdorf | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 3,096 |
Lehrberg | Municipality of Germany | Regierungsbezirk Mittelfranken | 3,089 |
Margetshöchheim | Municipality of Germany | Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken | 3,082 |
Mauern | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 3,077 |
Kammerstein | Municipality of Germany | Regierungsbezirk Mittelfranken | 3,076 |
Marktleuthen | Municipality of Germany | Upper Franconia | 3,069 |
Bodolz | Municipality of Germany | Swabia | 3,048 |
Flintsbach | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 3,033 |
Kalchreuth | Municipality of Germany | Regierungsbezirk Mittelfranken | 3,007 |
Oberschneiding | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 3,003 |
Eggstätt | German municipality | Upper Bavaria | 2,979 |
Aystetten | Municipality of Germany | Swabia | 2,979 |
Klosterlechfeld | Municipality of Germany | Swabia | 2,966 |
Schmidgaden | Municipality of Germany | Upper Palatinate | 2,955 |
Berglern | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 2,951 |
Neuenmarkt | Municipality of Germany | Upper Franconia | 2,946 |
Rossbach | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 2,944 |
Betzigau | Municipality of Germany | Swabia | 2,926 |
Griesstätt | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 2,892 |
Röttenbach | Regierungsbezirk Mittelfranken | 2,890 | |
Prutting | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 2,880 |
Perlesreut | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 2,876 |
Aresing | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 2,855 |
Langenpreising | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 2,855 |
Neuhaus an der Pegnitz | Municipality in Landkreis Nürnberger Land in Germany | Regierungsbezirk Mittelfranken | 2,849 |
Bad Kohlgrub | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 2,841 |
Partenstein | Municipality of Germany | Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken | 2,839 |
Halfing | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 2,835 |
Horgau | Municipality of Germany | Swabia | 2,834 |
Eitting | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 2,834 |
Huglfing | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 2,833 |
Feilitzsch | Municipality of Germany | Upper Franconia | 2,833 |
Mitwitz | Municipality of Germany | Upper Franconia | 2,815 |
Samerberg | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 2,814 |
Pilsach | Municipality of Germany | Upper Palatinate | 2,802 |
Kollnburg | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 2,795 |
Denklingen | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 2,786 |
Prackenbach | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 2,781 |
Elfershausen | Human settlement in Germany | Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken | 2,780 |
Marktl | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 2,765 |
Geroldsgrün | Municipality of Germany | Upper Franconia | 2,763 |
Attenkirchen | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 2,761 |
Pastetten | Municipality of Germany | Upper Bavaria | 2,716 |
Frauenau | Municipality of Germany | Lower Bavaria | 2,713 |
Haundorf | Municipality of Germany | Regierungsbezirk Mittelfranken | 2,695 |
Eslarn | Municipality of Germany | Upper Palatinate | 2,691 |
Köfering | Municipality of Germany | Upper Palatinate | 2,690 |