Republic of Estonia, Independent country in northeastern Europe. As of 2020 country had an estimated population of 1,328,976 inhabitants. The country was created 107 years ago in 1918. Its capital city is Tallinn.
There are 3 city/town in Republic of Estonia, . The largest city of Republic of Estonia is Narva with a population of 54,409. Other cities include, Pärnu population 39,605 and Sillamäe population 12,480
Narva, City in Estonia
Pärnu, City in Estonia
Sillamäe, City in Estonia
List of cities, towns, neighborhoods & other populated places in Republic of Estonia.
City Name | Title | County | Population |
Narva | City in Estonia | 54,409 | |
Pärnu | City in Estonia | 39,605 | |
Sillamäe | City in Estonia | 12,480 |