How far is Lynwood, IL from Arlington Heights, IL?

Distance by Flight

Shortest distance between Lynwood and Arlington Heights is 45.01 miles (72.43 km).

Flight distance from Lynwood, IL to Arlington Heights, IL is 45.01 miles. Estimated flight time is 00 hours 07 minutes.

Driving distance

The driving distance from Lynwood, Illinois to Arlington Heights, Illinois is: 58.24 miles (93.73 km) by car.

Driving from Lynwood to Arlington Heights will take approximately 01 hours 06 minutes.

Arlington Heights image
#1 Lynwood

Village in United States of America

Population 9113
GPS Coordinates 41°31'35"N 87°32'19"W
Latitude 41.5264200
Longitude -87.5386500
Altitude 188
Country United States
Arlington Heights image
#2 Arlington Heights

Village in Cook County, Illinois, United States; suburb of Chicago, Illinois

Population 75101
GPS Coordinates 42°5'18"N 87°58'50"W
Latitude 42.0883600
Longitude -87.9806300
Altitude 214
Country United States

Estimated Travel Time Between Lynwood and Arlington Heights

The distance between Lynwood and Arlington Heights is 94 km if you choose to drive by road. You can go 01 hours 02 minutes if you drive your car at an average speed of 90 kilometers / hour. For different choices, please review the avg. speed travel time table on the below.

There is no time difference between Lynwood and Arlington Heights. The current time is 13:06:39.

Average Speed Travel Time
30 mph (48.3 km/h) 01 hours 56 minutes
40 mph (64.37 km/h) 01 hours 27 minutes
50 mph (80.47 km/h) 01 hours 09 minutes
60 mph (96.56 km/h) 00 hours 58 minutes
70 mph (112.65 km/h) 00 hours 49 minutes
75 mph (120.7 km/h) 00 hours 46 minutes
80 mph (128.75 km/h) 00 hours 43 minutes

Gas Consumption

A car with a fuel efficiency of 8.3 l/100 km will need 7.78 liters (2.06 gallon) of gas to cover the route between Lynwood and Arlington Heights.
The estimated cost of gas to go from Lynwood to Arlington Heights is $7.41 (diesel $8.84).

Illinois gas prices.

Gasoline Mid Grade Premium Diesel
Gallon $3.61 $4.11 $4.55 $4.3
Total $7.41 $8.45 $9.35 $8.84

Take a look at our Gas Cost Calculator feature. It will figure out how much it will cost to drive this particular distance.

The average gas price (in Illinois ) per gallon of daily gas for calculations is $3.607 (Diesel $4.300) /gallon. Last changed prices on June 26, 2024.

How did we calculate the distance?

The place names are translated into coordinates to approximate the distance between Lynwood and Arlington Heights (latitude and longitude). Cities, states, and countries each have their own regional center. The Haversine formula is used to measure the radius.

Distance to Other Cities

Arlington Heights image

Driving distance from Bremen, IL to Lynwood 328.94 miles (529 km)

Arlington Heights image

Driving distance from Springfield, IL to Lynwood 197.48 miles (318 km)

Arlington Heights image

Driving distance from York, IL to Lynwood 183.89 miles (296 km)

Arlington Heights image

Driving distance from Aurora, IL to Lynwood 65.04 miles (105 km)

Arlington Heights image

Driving distance from Berwyn, IL to Lynwood 39.32 miles (63 km)

Arlington Heights image

Driving distance from Bloomington, IL to Lynwood 131.3 miles (211 km)

Arlington Heights image

Driving distance from Champaign, IL to Lynwood 121.26 miles (195 km)

Arlington Heights image

Driving distance from Chicago, IL to Lynwood 28.76 miles (46 km)

Arlington Heights image

Driving distance from Cicero, IL to Lynwood 40.32 miles (65 km)

Arlington Heights image

Driving distance from Des Plaines, IL to Lynwood 51.47 miles (83 km)

Arlington Heights image

Driving distance from Elgin, IL to Lynwood 72.1 miles (116 km)

Arlington Heights image

Driving distance from Elk Grove, IL to Lynwood 53 miles (85 km)

Gas Cost Calculator