Coahoma County, Mississippi

Coahoma County: County in Mississippi, United States


Coahoma County is a county located in the U.S. state of Mississippi. As of the 2010 census, the population was 26,151 and a population density of 17 people per km². After 10 years in 2020 county had an estimated population of 21,564 inhabitants. Its county seat is Clarksdale. The county was created 189 years ago in 1836.

Coahoma County locator map
Location of Coahoma County on Mississippi map.

Quick Facts about Coahoma County

Population : 21,564 (2020)
Country : United States of America
State : Mississippi (United States)
Area : 1510 km2
Water as percent of area : 5.3%
Land as percent of area : 94.7%
Altitude : 154 feet / 47 meters
Capital : Clarksdale
Establishment : February 02, 1836
Time Zone : America/Chicago
Local time : 3/27/2025 - 10:49:52 PM
Density : 14 Pop. per km² as of 2020
Population growth : -21.27% (2010-2020)
WROX Building ~ Clarksdale  MS image
WROX Building ~ Clarksdale MS
WROX Building ~ Clarksdale  MS image


Coahoma County is located at 34°13'45"N 90°36'10"W (34.2291700, -90.6026900). It has 2 neighbors: Sunflower County and Tunica County.

Coahoma County map

The largest city of Coahoma County is Clarksdale with a population of 14,470. Other cities include, Walnut Grove population 1,658, Friars Point population 990 and Lula population 241. See all Coahoma County cities & populated places.

Coahoma County Populated Places

Cities, towns, neighborhoods & other populated places in Coahoma County.

City Name Population Title
Clarksdale 14,470 City in Coahoma County, Mississippi, United States of America
Walnut Grove 1,658 City in Leake County, Mississippi, United States of America
Friars Point 990 City in Coahoma County, Mississippi, United States of America
Coahoma 313 Town of the United States
Lyon 279 Town in Coahoma County, Mississippi, United States
Lula 241 City in Coahoma County, Mississippi, United States of America

Coahoma County has 2 neighbours.

  • Clarksdale


According to census records, the population of Coahoma County decreased by 21.27% in 10 years.

Year Population % Change Method
1840 1,290 - estimation process
1850 2,780 53.6% demographic balance
1860 6,606 57.92% census
1870 7,144 7.53% census
1880 13,568 47.35% estimation process
1890 18,342 26.03% census
1900 26,293 30.24% estimation process
1910 34,217 23.16% estimation process
2010 26,151 -30.84% census
2011 25,851 -1.16% estimation process
2012 25,616 -0.92% estimation process
2013 25,182 -1.72% estimation process
2014 24,840 -1.38% estimation process
2015 24,500 -1.39% estimation process
2016 23,834 -2.79% estimation process
2017 23,214 -2.67% estimation process
2018 22,605 -2.69% estimation process
2019 22,124 -2.17% estimation process
2020 21,564 -2.6% estimation process

Coahoma, Coahoma Comitatus, Coahoma Kun, Coahoma Kūn, Coahoma konderria, Coahoma megye, Comitatul Coahoma, Comte de Coahoma, Comté de Coahoma, Condado de Coahoma, Condado han Coahoma, Contea di Coahoma, Hrabstwo Coahoma, Koagoma, Koakhoma, Koehkhoma, Okrug Kokhoma, Quan Coahoma, Quận Coahoma, ke he ma xian, koahoma jun, koraahoma ka'unti, shhrstan kwahwma mysysypy, Коагома, Коахома, Коэхома, Округ Кохома, Քաուհոմա շրջան, شهرستان کواهوما، میسیسیپی, کواہوما کاؤنٹی، مسیسپی, کواہوما کاؤنٹی،مسسسپی, কোৱাহোমা কাউন্টি, コアホマ郡, 科荷馬縣

People born in Coahoma County (1)

American microbiologist Elizabeth Lee Hazen was born in Coahoma County

Mississippi Other Counties (more counties)

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Gulfport 71,438 The second most populous city in Harrison County, Mississippi.
West Gulfport 71,329 A census-designated place in Harrison County, Mississippi.
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