Clearfield County, Pennsylvania

Clearfield County: County in Pennsylvania, United States


Clearfield County is a county located in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. As of the 2010 census, the population was 81,642 and a population density of 27 people per km². After 10 years in 2020 county had an estimated population of 78,612 inhabitants. Its county seat is Clearfield. The county was created 203 years ago in 1822.

Clearfield County locator map
Location of Clearfield County on Pennsylvania map.

Quick Facts about Clearfield County

Population : 78,612 (2020)
Country : United States of America
State : Pennsylvania (United States)
Area : 2988 km2
Water as percent of area : 0.8%
Land as percent of area : 99.2%
Named for : field
Altitude : 1,398 feet / 426 meters
Capital : Clearfield
Establishment : January 01, 1822
Time Zone : America/New_York
Local time : 19:54:02 (23rd March 2025)
Density : 26 Pop. per km² as of 2020
Population growth : -3.85% (2010-2020)
Clearfield County Courthouse Apr 10 image
Clearfield County Courthouse Apr 10
Clearfield County Courthouse Apr 10 image


Clearfield County is located at 41°0'1"N 78°28'27"W (41.0001900, -78.4741100). It has 8 neighbors: Blair County, Cambria County, Cameron County, Centre, Clinton County, Elk County, Indiana County and Jefferson County.

Clearfield County map

The largest city of Clearfield County is Bethlehem with a population of 24,549. Other cities include, Mount Joy population 8,264, DuBois population 7,287, Clearfield population 5,784 and Ashland population 2,668. See all Clearfield County cities & populated places.

Clearfield County Populated Places (more)

Cities, towns, neighborhoods & other populated places in Clearfield County.

City Name Population Title
Bethlehem 24,549 City in Lehigh and Northampton counties, Pennsylvania, USA
Sandy 10,357 Town in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, United States
Mount Joy 8,264 Borough in northwestern Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
DuBois 7,287 City of Pennsylvania
Clearfield 5,784 Borough of Pennsylvania
Barrett 4,145 Township in Monroe County, Pennsylvania
Treasure Lake 3,861 Census designated place
Ashland 2,668 Borough in northwestern Schuylkill county in the U.
Curwensville 2,359 Borough of Pennsylvania
Eden 2,237 Township in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Beccaria 1,692 Township in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania
Sterling 1,420 Township in Wayne County, Pennsylvania
Graham 1,338 Township in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania
Bigler 1,220 Township in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania
Osceola Mills 1,058 Borough of Pennsylvania
Plymptonville 981 Census designated place

Clearfield County has 8 neighbours.


According to census records, the population of Clearfield County decreased by 3.85% in 10 years.

Year Population % Change Method
2010 81,642 - census
2011 81,433 -0.26% estimation process
2012 81,401 -0.04% estimation process
2013 81,428 0.03% estimation process
2014 81,006 -0.52% estimation process
2015 80,718 -0.36% estimation process
2016 80,196 -0.65% estimation process
2017 79,799 -0.5% estimation process
2018 79,572 -0.29% estimation process
2019 79,255 -0.4% estimation process
2020 78,612 -0.82% estimation process

Clearfield, Clearfield Comitatus, Clearfield Kun, Clearfield Kūn, Clearfield konderria, Clearfield megye, Comitatul Clearfield, Comte de Clearfield, Comté de Clearfield, Condado de Clearfield, Condado han Clearfield, Contae Clearfield, Contea di Clearfield, Hrabstwo Clearfield, Klirfild, Kliurfijld, Konteth Clearfield, Okrug Klirfild, Quan Clearfield, Quận Clearfield, ke li er fei xian, kliyaraphilda ka'unti, kuriafirudo jun, shhrstan klyrfyld pnsylwanya, Клирфилд, Клиърфийлд, Клірфілд, Округ Клирфилд, Քլիրֆիլդ շրջան, شهرستان کلیرفیلد، پنسیلوانیا, مقاطعة كلرفيلد, کلیئرفیلڈ کاؤنٹی, کلیئرفیلڈ کاؤنٹی، پنسلوانیا, ক্লিয়ারফিল্ড কাউন্টি, クリアフィールド郡, 克利爾菲縣

People born in Clearfield County (11)

People born in Clearfield County, including 19th century Christian hymnodist Philip Bliss, college professor, business college founder, football coach Alexander Brown Mackie, mayor David A. Fisher, .


  • George Seman (American police officer) he was born in 31/10/1930
  • Jack Hollenback (American football player and coach (1884-1959)) he was born in 10/08/1884
  • John H. Sinfelt (American businessman) he was born in 18/02/1931
  • John Minds (American football player (1871-1963)) he was born in 09/04/1871
  • Milt Jordan (baseball player) he was born in 24/05/1927
  • Zenas Leonard (American mountain man) he was born in 19/03/1809
  • Mary Elizabeth Willson (American gospel singer, singer, composer, evangelist) she was born in 01/05/1842
  • Edna Yost (American author) she was born in 16/11/1889

Pennsylvania Other Counties (more counties)

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Allegheny County 1,211,358 County in the southwestern part of the U.
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Chester County 526,759 County in Pennsylvania, United States
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Berks County 421,017 County in Pennsylvania, United States
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Westmoreland County 347,087 County in Pennsylvania, United States
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Pittsburgh 299,226 The second most populous city in Pennsylvania and the center of the Pittsburgh metropolitan area.
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