Cities & Towns in Bezirk Dietikon, ZH

Bezirk Dietikon, district of the canton of Zürich, Switzerland. The county was created 35 years ago in 1989. Its county seat is Dietikon.

There are 10 city/town in Bezirk Dietikon, ZH. The largest city of Bezirk Dietikon is Dietikon with a population of 27,236. Other cities include, Geroldswil population 4,956, Unterengstringen population 3,880, Dietikon / Hofacker population 2,826, Dietikon / Vorstadt population 2,619


Dietikon, City in the canton of Zürich, Switzerland


Geroldswil, Municipality in Switzerland


Unterengstringen, Municipality in Switzerland

All Bezirk Dietikon Cities (Aphebetical)

List of cities, towns, neighborhoods & other populated places in Bezirk Dietikon.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z all
City Name Title Population
Dietikon City in the canton of Zürich, Switzerland 27,236
Dietikon / Almend 2,118
Dietikon / Guggenbühl 1,312
Dietikon / Hofacker 2,826
Dietikon / Schönenwerd 1,218
Dietikon / Vorstadt 2,619
Geroldswil Municipality in Switzerland 4,956
Schlieren / Freiestrasse 1,212
Schlieren / Spital 2,587
Unterengstringen Municipality in Switzerland 3,880

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