Albania (Republic of Albania), AL

Albania: Independent country in Southeast Europe


Republic of Albania locator map
Location of Republic of Albania

Quick Facts about Republic of Albania

Population : 2,873,457
Country : Albania
Head of government : Prime Minister of Albania
Plate code : AL
Area : 28748 km2
Official name : Republika e Shqipërisë, la République d’Albanie, Αλβανία
Water as percent of area : 5.7%
Land as percent of area : 94.3%
Continent : Europe
Easternmost point : Point(21.0571754 40.66620273)
Northernmost point : Point(19.73 42.67)
Legislative body : Parliament of Albania
Official language : Albanian
Capital : Tirana
Establishment : November 11, 1912 (112 years ago)
Time Zone : UTC+01:00, UTC+02:00, Europe/Tirane, Central European Time
Local time : 3/25/2025 - 6:25:51 PM
Coat of arms of Albania coat of arms image
Coat of arms of Albania
Coat of arms of Albania coat of arms image


Republic of Albania is located at 41°0'0"N 20°0'0"E (41.0000000, 20.0000000). It has 6 neighbors: Greece, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Union, Serbia and Kosovo.

Albania map

The largest city of Republic of Albania is Tirana with a population of 374,801. Other cities include, Vlorë population 130,827, Kamëz population 126,777, Durrës population 122,034 and Elbasan population 100,903. See all Republic of Albania cities & populated places.

    Edi Rama ,

Republic of Albania has 6 neighbours.

  • Hellenic Republic Independent country in southeastern Europe
  • Република Македонија Independent country in southeastern Europe
  • Montenegro Independent country in southeastern Europe
  • Union A city in Union County, New Jersey. It is located in the northeastern part of the county. Union is known for its many parks and green spaces, its many historical sites, and its many attractions, such as the Kean University campus and the Union City Historical Society.
  • Serbia Independent country in southeastern Europe
  • Kosovo country in Europe with partially recognized sovereignty

  • Tirana County
  • Korçë County
  • Berat County
  • Elbasan County
  • Kukës County
  • Lezhë County
  • Gjirokastër County
  • Fier County
  • Dibër County
  • Durrës County
  • Shkodër County
  • Vlorë County


Year Population % Change Method
1960 1,608,800 - estimation process
1961 1,659,800 3.07% estimation process
1962 1,711,319 3.01% estimation process
1963 1,762,621 2.91% estimation process
1964 1,814,135 2.84% estimation process
1965 1,864,791 2.72% estimation process
1966 1,914,573 2.6% estimation process
1967 1,965,598 2.6% estimation process
1968 2,022,272 2.8% estimation process
1969 2,081,695 2.85% estimation process
1970 2,135,479 2.52% estimation process
1971 2,187,853 2.39% estimation process
1972 2,243,126 2.46% estimation process
1973 2,296,752 2.33% estimation process
1974 2,350,124 2.27% estimation process
1975 2,404,831 2.27% estimation process
1976 2,458,526 2.18% estimation process
1977 2,513,546 2.19% estimation process
1978 2,566,266 2.05% estimation process
1979 2,617,832 1.97% estimation process
1980 2,671,997 2.03% census
1981 2,726,056 1.98% estimation process
1982 2,784,278 2.09% estimation process
1983 2,843,960 2.1% estimation process
1984 2,904,429 2.08% estimation process
1985 2,964,762 2.04% census
1986 3,022,635 1.91% estimation process
1987 3,083,605 1.98% estimation process
1988 3,142,336 1.87% estimation process
1989 3,227,943 2.65% estimation process
1990 3,286,542 1.78% estimation process
1991 3,266,790 -0.6% estimation process
1992 3,247,039 -0.61% estimation process
1993 3,227,287 -0.61% estimation process
1994 3,207,536 -0.62% estimation process
1995 3,187,784 -0.62% census
1996 3,168,033 -0.62% estimation process
1997 3,148,281 -0.63% estimation process
1998 3,128,530 -0.63% estimation process
1999 3,108,778 -0.64% census
2000 3,089,027 -0.64% estimation process
2001 3,060,173 -0.94% census
2002 3,051,010 -0.3% estimation process
2003 3,039,616 -0.37% estimation process
2004 3,026,939 -0.42% estimation process
2005 3,011,487 -0.51% estimation process
2006 2,992,547 -0.63% estimation process
2007 2,970,017 -0.76% estimation process
2008 2,947,314 -0.77% estimation process
2009 2,927,519 -0.68% estimation process
2010 2,913,021 -0.5% estimation process
2011 2,905,195 -0.27% census
2012 2,900,401 -0.17% estimation process
2013 2,895,092 -0.18% estimation process
2014 2,889,104 -0.21% estimation process
2015 2,880,703 -0.29%
2016 2,876,101 -0.16%
2017 2,873,457 -0.09% estimation process
2018 2,866,376 -0.25%
2019 2,854,191 -0.43%

'Alipania, Al'banija, Albaani, Albaania, Albaaniya, Albaanje, Albainia, Albani, Albania, Albania - Shqiperia, Albania - Shqipëria, Albania nutome, Albanie, Albanien, Albanii, Albanija, Albanio, Albaniya, Albanië, Albanska, Albansko, Albanujo, Albanya, Albanìa, Albanía, Albanïi, Albenia, Albuanii, Albàinia, Albània, Albánia, Albánie, Albánsko, Albânia, Albānija, Alibani, Alibaniya, Alubani, Alubaniya, Alvania, An Albain, An Albáin, An-ba-ni, An-ba-ni (Albania), Arbainiya, Arnautluk, Arnavutluk, Arnavutluk Cumhuriyeti, Lalbanaen, Lalbanän, Orileede Alubaniani, Orílẹ́ède Àlùbàníánì, People's Socialist Republic of Albania, Peoples Republic of Albania, People’s Socialist Republic of Albania, Republic of Albania, Republika Popullore Socialiste e Shqiperise, Republika Popullore Socialiste e Shqipërisë, Republika Popullore e Shqiperise, Republika Popullore e Shqipërisë, Republika e Shqiperise, Republika e Shqipërisë, Sheypeni, Shkipeni, Shkiperiya, Shqipenia, Shqiperi, Shqiperia, Shqipni, Shqipnia, Shqipnie, Shqipnija, Shqipnië, Shqipri, Shqipria, Shqiprija, Shqipëri, Shqipëria, Shqypeni, Shqypni, Shqypëni, a er ba ni ya, alabani'a, alabeniya, alabyaniya, albaneti, albania, albaniya, albany, albanya, albanyh, albeniya, alpeniya, arubania, arubania gong he guo, aൽbeniya, i-Albania, ʻAlipania, Αλβανία, Албания, Албанија, Албанія, Альбанія, Ալբանիա, אלבניה, آلبانی, آلبانیا, ألبانيا, ئالبانىيە, ئەڵبانیا, البانیا, البانیه, البانیہ, ܐܠܒܢܝܐ, अल्बानिया, अल्बेनिया, আলবেনিয়া, আলব্যানিয়া, আলব্যানিয়া, અલ્બેનિયા, ଆଲବାନିଆ, அல்பேனியா, అల్బేనియా, ಅಲ್ಬೇನಿಯಾ, അൽബേനിയ, ඇල්බේනියාව, ประเทศแอลเบเนีย, แอลเบเนีย, ແອລເບເນຍ, ཨལ་བཱ་ནི་ཡ།, ალბანეთი, አልባኒያ, ᎠᎵᏇᏂᏯ, អាល់បានី, アルバニア, アルバニア共和国, 阿尔巴尼亚, 알바니아

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