Akron, Alabama

Akron: Town in Hale County, Alabama, United States


Akron is a town located in the county of Hale in the U.S. state of Alabama. Its population at the 2010 census was 356. After 10 years in 2020 city had an estimated population of 327 inhabitants.

Akron locator map
Location of Akron on Alabama map.

Quick Facts about Akron

Population : 327 (2020)
Country : United States of America
State : Alabama (United States)
County : Hale County
Postal code : 35441
Phone Area Codes : 205
Water as percent of area : 0.77%
Land as percent of area : 99.23%
Altitude : 131 feet / 40, 40 meters
Time Zone : UTC−06:00
Local time : 3/28/2025 - 8:08:06 AM
Population growth : -8.87% (2010-2020)
Tanglewood Plantation image
Tanglewood Plantation
Tanglewood Plantation image


Akron is located at 32°52'35"N 87°44'33"W (32.8765200, -87.7425100).

Akron map


According to census records, the population of Akron decreased by 8.87% in 10 years.

Year Population % Change Method
2007 436 - census
2010 356 -22.47% census
2011 347 -2.59% estimation process
2012 347 0% estimation process
2013 343 -1.17% estimation process
2014 338 -1.48% estimation process
2015 339 0.29% estimation process
2016 333 -1.8% estimation process
2017 332 -0.3% estimation process
2018 331 -0.3% estimation process
2019 328 -0.91% estimation process
2020 327 -0.31% estimation process

Demographic Facts

Estimated population as of July 1, 2019 : 16,478
Based on demographic estimates as of April 1, 2010 : 16,023
Based on demographic estimates as of 1 April 2010 : 2.8%
April 1, 2020 Population : 17,260
April 1, 2010 Population : 16,028
People under 5 years old, percentage : 6.2%
People under 18 years old, percentage : 21.1%
People over 65 (%) : 14.1%
Female persons, % : 52.6%
White only, percent : 85.1%
Black or African American alone, percent : 8.1%
American Indian and Alaska Native only, % : 0.0%
Asians alone % : 1.4%
Only Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders, % : 0.0%
% of people who have participated in two or more races : 2.6%
% of Hispanic or Latino : 3.5%
White people, not Hispanic or Latino people, make up the majority of the population. : 84.4%
2015-2019 Veterans : 1,007
Percentage of foreign-born people, 2015-2019 : 6.3%
Rate of owner-occupied housing units, 2015-2019 : 71.9%

Akron zip code is 35441. County name: Hale, County fips: 01065

Acorn, Akron, Акрон

Economic Facts

Rate of owner-occupied housing units, 2015-2019 : 71.9%
Owner-occupied housing unit median value, 2015-2019 : $148,800
From 2015 to 2019, the median selected monthly owner costs - with a mortgage : $1,372
Monthly owner costs, without a mortgage, at the median, 2015-2019 : $574
2015-2019 median gross rent : $1,082
2015-2019 Households : 6,498
Population per household, 2015-2019 : 2.51
Living in the same house a year ago, percentage of people aged one year and up, 2015-2019 : 84.7%
Languages other than English spoken at home, as a percentage of people aged 5 and up, 2015-2019 : 7.5%
Households with computers, %, 2015-2019 : 94.8%
Percentage of households with a broadband Internet subscription, 2015-2019 : 87.3%
Percentage of people aged 25 and up with a high school diploma or higher, 2015-2019 : 91.9%
Bachelor's degree or higher, proportion of people aged 25 and up, 2015-2019 : 28.7%
Percentage of people under the age of 65 who have a disability, 2015-2019 : 10.8%
Persons under the age of 65 who do not have health insurance, as a percentage : 5.8%
Total civilian labor force, percent of population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : 68.8%
Female labor force participation in the civilian labor force, as a percentage of the population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : 64.1%
Total sales of lodging and food services in 2012 ($1,000) : 46,821
Total receipts/revenue for health care and social assistance in 2012 ($1,000) : 31,398
Manufacturers' total shipments in 2012 ($1,000) : 1,020,754
2012 total retail sales ($1,000) : 462,371
2012 total retail sales per capita : $28,722
Mean commute time to work (in minutes), workers aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : 25.4
2015-2019 median household income (in 2019 dollars) : $65,742
Income per capita in the previous 12 months (in 2019 dollars), 2015-2019 : $31,043
Percentage of people living in poverty : 8.5%
Total number of businesses in 2012 : 1,578
Men-owned businesses in 2012 : 859
Women-owned businesses in 2012 : 425
Minority-owned businesses in 2012 : 107
Non-minority-owned businesses in 2012 : 1,386
Veteran-owned businesses in 2012 : 147
Nonveteran-owned businesses in 2012 : 1,221
2010 population per square mile : 683.2
2010 land area in square miles : 23.46
Residential units, July 1, 2019 : 18,272
Rate of owner-occupied housing units, 2015-2019 : 77.0%
Owner-occupied housing unit median value, 2015-2019 : $153,800
From 2015 to 2019, the median selected monthly owner costs - with a mortgage : $1,164
Monthly owner costs, without a mortgage, at the median, 2015-2019 : $464
2015-2019 median gross rent : $679
Permits for construction, 2020 : 113
2015-2019 Households : 16,234
Population per household, 2015-2019 : 2.49
Living in the same house a year ago, percentage of people aged one year and up, 2015-2019 : 90.1%
Languages other than English spoken at home, as a percentage of people aged 5 and up, 2015-2019 : 1.8%
Households with computers, %, 2015-2019 : 89.5%
Percentage of households with a broadband Internet subscription, 2015-2019 : 83.8%
Percentage of people aged 25 and up with a high school diploma or higher, 2015-2019 : 92.1%
Bachelor's degree or higher, proportion of people aged 25 and up, 2015-2019 : 18.3%
Percentage of people under the age of 65 who have a disability, 2015-2019 : 6.5%
Persons under the age of 65 who do not have health insurance, as a percentage : 7.2%
Total civilian labor force, percent of population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : 68.5%
Female labor force participation in the civilian labor force, as a percentage of the population aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : 63.6%
Total sales of lodging and food services in 2012 ($1,000) : 44,788
Total receipts/revenue for health care and social assistance in 2012 ($1,000) : 132,608
Manufacturers' total shipments in 2012 ($1,000) : 1,136,872
2012 total retail sales ($1,000) : 496,518
2012 total retail sales per capita : $12,147
Mean commute time to work (in minutes), workers aged 16 and up, 2015-2019 : 18.7
2015-2019 median household income (in 2019 dollars) : $62,952
Income per capita in the previous 12 months (in 2019 dollars), 2015-2019 : $29,765
Percentage of people living in poverty : 6.7%
Total number of employer establishments, 2019 : 1,028
2019 total employment : 16,907
2019 total annual payroll ($1,000) : 680,855
Total employment, change in percentage terms, 2018-2019 : 1.8%
2018 total non-employer establishments : 2,838
Total number of businesses in 2012 : 3,192
Men-owned businesses in 2012 : 2,030
Women-owned businesses in 2012 : 696
Minority-owned businesses in 2012 : 35
Non-minority-owned businesses in 2012 : 3,041
Veteran-owned businesses in 2012 : 381
Nonveteran-owned businesses in 2012 : 2,638
2010 population per square mile : 88.3
2010 land area in square miles : 462.45

People born in Akron (1)

American baseball player (1898-1985) Riggs Stephenson was born in Akron

Schools in Akron

College & universities near Akron, AL

Code Name City ZIP
102067 Shelton State Community College Tuscaloosa (AL) 35405-8522

Stations (8)

Amtrak & bus stations near Akron, AL

Code Name Address Type
TCL Tuscaloosa 2105 Greensboro Ave RAIL
MAA Marion, AL 26400 Alabama Highway 14 BUS
BRR Brent, AL 10393 Alabama Highway 5 BUS
SLA Selma, AL 434 Broad Street BUS
THM Thomasville, AL 34390 US Highway 43 BUS

Post offices near Akron

Post Office Name City ZIP
Akron Post Office Akron (AL) 35441

Other places with the same name (9)

  • Akron , Ohio The fifth most populous city in Ohio. It is located in the northeastern part of the state. Akron is known for its many rubber factories, its many parks and green spaces, and its many attractions, such as the Akron Art Museum and the Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens. with a population of 195,994 people.
  • Akron , Pennsylvania borough in northern Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, United States with a population of 3,992 people.
  • Akron , New York city in Erie County, New York, United States of America with a population of 2,844 people.
  • Akron , Colorado town in Colorado with a population of 1,682 people.
  • Akron , Iowa city in Plymouth County, South Dakota, United States with a population of 1,454 people.
  • Akron , Indiana town in Fulton County, Indiana, United States with a population of 1,103 people.
  • Akron , Illinois city in United States of America with a population of 1,023 people.
  • Akron , Michigan village in Tuscola County, Michigan, United States with a population of 373 people.

Other cities in Hale County

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