is a site where you can find free maps and map tools for measuring, saving, and sending maps to others. A website that allows visitors to easily and quickly use maps to measure, search, and overlay mark-up elements on maps for a variety of useful applications.
These tools can be used for a wide range of purposes and by a wide range of people. This website can be used by hobby groups or people such as:
Running, walking, cycling, sailing, and amateur radio are all examples of marketing activities.
Allow us to incorporate pre-built functionality into your website, such as the area and distance calculator. This currently covers all of our free map tools, as well as the store locator and its related admin functionality. This will expand to include a variety of other maps. If you want to know about our current functionality, please visit our contact page.
Please contact us if you have any ideas for possible tools that could be created that make use of maps. Any recommendations for changes to existing tools will be welcomed as well.